Saturday, April 6, 2013

Too many blessings to count and thankful for them all

This week has passed quickly.  I am trying to slow down, enjoy life and be still with myself and still in the presence of God.  I am learning to listen for and hear when God is speaking to me.  There have been many times that I am sure God has spoke to me and I have either ignored that pull in my heart (now that I am aware  more aware of God's presence, it hurts when I don't listen), or just was unaware that it was God speaking. 
How does God speak to you? 

My amazing devotional

As I sat with my coffee and devotional the other morning, I asked for stillness, to hear the little things that I otherwise miss and I was slowly able to drown out the stomping of the children, the noise from the dishwasher and pretty much everything else but then out of nowhere I heard a bird sing.  A beautiful song to my ears.  I thought how blessed am I that God has allowed me to hear the bird chirp through the rest of this chaos I call life. 
I have also come to realize that God speaks to me through my readings whether it be Jesus Calling, Jesus Today or my newest favourite Mixed Blessings.  I may skip a reading, not intentionally mind you but things just seem to happen...and then I will read the passage I missed and doesn't it relate to what has gone on or what is currently happening.  Now that my eyes are opening, the chips are being knocked off the shoulder, the heart is open(ing) and my fists are slowly unclenching (WOW, don't I sound like an uber fun person?!?!) I am feeling, seeing and experiencing the blessings that were passing me by.
Last night Super G (that's my honey) and I were blessed with fellowship beyond compare-we didn't want the evening to end!!!  We are feeling so blessed to have D & S in our lives and the lives of our children.  Super G commented that they have so much wisdom.  I feel like we are just lapping up all their greatness; love for each other, love for others, their affection towards our children and most of all their commitment and dedication to the Lord.  Suzie Q has helped me find grace in many situations, and I truly don't know if she knows how much her friendship and sisterhood has affected me in such a positive way. 
Today, I sit at work and watch many situtations that could just be avoided if these people would come to know God and be present in his presence. 
May you be a blessing to someone today.

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