Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another year gone, Christmas packed away :(

Let's get the resolution list going...blah blah blah...lose weight, eat healthier, save more money, etc..etc.. am I touching a nerve here?
Truth be told I refuse...REFUSE to make a New Years Resolution.  The pressure of making a New Years Resolution immediately sets you up to fail.  I am making lifestyle changes (my fancy wording for New Years Resolution).  I am making healthier choices when it comes to eating-am I giving up my treats..NO.  Will I deny myself something if I really really want it...NO.  But overall I will eat more salads, and make wiser choices.  Am I going to increase my physical activity...YES. 
Hello Rodney Yee AM/PM Yoga (once again)-,default,pd.html
and Welcome T-Tapp to my life.  I have a friend (truthfully) who has toned and lost weight doing this program so I thought why the heck not.
I am going to continue doing my Zumba class-how I LOVE Zumba!!!  And now the final and last "resolution" I mentioned...saving money...I came across the coolest money saving guideline today and if you follow it by the end of the year (52 weeks) you will have saved a total of 1378$ and it's most definitely doable.  Check it out below:
See simple right?

Okay enough with the resolutions...oh except for these 2 "little"...not so little but I won't go into details except to say-I will and need to spend more time with Jesus, in the word and to journal.  I also need to continue to go to my Al-anon meeting and continue to build me back on me.  The better I am, the better everyone around me is!!!
Would love to hear what everyone else's resolutions are big or small, crazy or mainstream!!! 
Sweetest dreams to all you wonderful folks....Happy New Year and God Bless!11